
हमारे बारे में

You want to have the best information available, so that you can do your job in the most accurate way. Information is there to make your work easier and more productive. We want to be beside you when you need practical data. Our team is constantly creating and maintaining information for your benefit.

Tuxx - Info for efficiency

Our promise

The information we offer is:

  • Up-to-date
  • Outright and complete
  • Independent
  • Easy to find
  • Straightforward

Our mision/vision

Work environment and tasks can become more efficient. We provide the necessary information to make that possible.

Our goal

Our business is to create valuable advertising space. We do that by offering the best information available. We also provide information through APIs, data dumps and downloads.

Please contact us


Do you have any suggestion for us? Did you find incorrect information or is something missing? Please leave us your helpful feedback. You can find a feedbackform at the bottom of each webpage.


Are you interested in any product or service we offer or did you already purchased one? Please contact us at +31 (0) 88 0023600.

Advertisers / media agencies

We offer valuable advertising space. Please have a look at our advertisers page or select Tuxx on your advertising platform.

Business proposals

Please get in touch with us if you see any possibillity of cooperation. We look forward to hearing your thoughts!